The South East Midlands is already a successful, fast-growing knowledge economy, valued, in 2019 at £52bn per annum.
Leading our economic growth are the globally recognised businesses with specialisms in technical testing, precision engineering, connected and autonomous vehicles and robotics, digital technologies and artificial intelligence. This has placed businesses here at the forefront of the UK’s response to the future of Mobility Grand Challenge.
We have the people with the ideas, the research institutions and businesses working together to create innovation that is reshaping the way we will live, work and move around in the future.
In shaping economic policy to support growth, we all have an environmental imperative to change the way we do things. This brings huge opportunities for the area. We already have major strengths in the clean growth field. Not only do we have the commitment and the opportunity, we have the beacon projects that showcase the practical application of renewable energy, green design and clean technology.
The ambition for this area is to fuse all of this together to create attractive, well-designed places where people want to live and work today, and that meet the needs of generations to come.
Linked to the further collaboration and infrastructure investment across the Oxford-Cambridge Arc, the South East Midlands has the potential to grow further, faster and stronger.