The South East Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership has now
formally closed as a registered limited company.

To stay updated on the latest economic developments throughout the region, we encourage you to visit the South East Midlands Growth Hub. The SEM Growth Hub also provides free business advice and guidance to all businesses, manages funding and grant programmes and has an extensive resource library where businesses can find additional support.

Visit the South East Midlands Growth Hub here

You can still continue to browse the SEMLEP website, and contact
all employees using their existing email addresses.

Careers Hub Launch event picture Careers Hub Launch event picture

South East Midlands Careers Hub

Careers Hub Launch event picture
Group of students in discussion Group of students in discussion

South East Midlands Careers Hub

Group of students in discussion
Group of students in libary Group of students in libary

South East Midlands Careers Hub

Group of students in libary
Group of students on site Group of students on site

South East Midlands Careers Hub

Group of students on site

South East Midlands Careers Hub

Linking the world of education with the world of work. 

The South East Midlands Careers Hub will help to transform careers education by linking schools and colleges with local employers to develop world-class careers experiences that inspire and inform young people in taking their next steps. 

Our skills and careers work aims to build a talent pipeline of individuals with the attributes and skills required for our dynamic and competitive economy. Working in partnership, our activities facilitate an integrated and employer-informed approach to skills development, provision and labour market information.

Email the Careers Hub team:



Learn more about the Careers Hub and its activities that aim to help every young person take their best next step. 

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Find out how you can get involved and help inform and inspire young people today, to secure the workforce of tomorrow.

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Information and resources to help deliver careers support in line with the Gatsby Benchmarks.

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Labour market information

Data and information about the skills needs of businesses and career opportunities across the South East Midlands. 


From apprenticeships to open days, this section provides the latest opportunities. 

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Get information about local sixth forms, colleges and independent training providers.

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This section provides links to learning and development opportunities as well as the latest careers network news.

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